The Wisdom of Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks

A Special Opportunity to Study with Your 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Child
Applications are Open

Join us for a parent-child seminar on the weekly parsha, inspired by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks’ renowned Covenant & Conversation Series.

Rabbi Sacks believed that the primary institution of education in the life of a Jewish child is the family. He wrote that:

“participating in meaningful conversation about Torah with our children and the next generation is a major part of what it is to be a Jew. There is nothing more beautiful or life affirming than learning Torah with your children. Give them the space not only to be your students, but also to be your teachers, and they will grow tall. That’s how we can truly secure the Jewish future.”

Program Dates

Genesis/Bereshit    |    October 20 - January 5

Course Description

Launched in partnership with The Rabbi Sacks Legacy, join us for this exciting parent-child seminar on the weekly parsha, inspired by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks’s renowned Covenant & Conversation Series. Parents and their middle-school children will explore the major themes, defining figures, and enduring questions in the parsha. The weekly online sessions will be facilitated by a scholar in the thought of Rabbi Sacks, who will guide learners through a chapter of Koren’s newly published Covenant & Conversation Family Edition.

The Covenant & Conversation Family Edition, published by Koren, is a resource for parents, families, and educators to enhance intergenerational conversations surrounding the weekly parasha. Each chapter features two Covenant & Conversation essays written by Rabbi Sacks, adapted for families to learn and discuss together, and feature various educational resources including parsha summaries, engaging stories, quotes from other writings of Rabbi Sacks, and reflection questions for discussion.

9 - 12 weeks

Each course will cover one of the five books of the Torah

Prior Knowledge

No previous knowledge of the Hebrew Bible is necessary


No previous knowledge of Hebrew is necessary

Course Details

Book of Genesis


Book of Genesis - (Bereishit)

October 20 - January 5
application open

Book of Exodus


Book of Exodus - (Shemot)

January 12 - March 23
application open

Book of Vayikra - (Leviticus)


Book of Leviticus - (Vayikra)

March 30 - May 18
application open

Book of Bemidbar - (Numbers)


Book of Numbers - (Bamidbar)

May 25 - July 20
application open

Book of Devarim - (Deuteronomy)


Book of Deuteronomy - (Devarim)

July 27 - September 27
application open

This series is part of Tikvah’s Kress Project on the Hebrew Bible. We are grateful to Camille and Sandy Kress (Austin, Texas) for their generous support.

See What Parents Are Saying

I feel incredibly fortunate for the opportunity to participate in Tikva's intergenerational Covenant& Conversation class with my daughter. It forces us to carve out a little bit of time to focus on learning together and helps facilitate a deeper understanding of the upcoming weeks Torah portion. We look forward to this class all week!

Stacey  |  New Jersey

My daughter and I love studying together, it is our time to be alone and discuss what matters to us. The course is wonderful and very inspiring in these challenging times. We love to interact with other parents and children and feel so connected, plus, we discuss what we learned at ourShabbat table and my daughter’s classroom. The course went beyond and above our expectations!

Monique  |  Italy

I am grateful to Tikvah and the Rabbi Sacks Foundation for creating the Covenant andConversation course for parents and children, to Rabbi Daniel Rose for creating engaging and memorable lessons every week, and to the cohort of international parents and children who have enhanced our learning tenfold.

Rachel  |  Florida

It’s been such a pleasure learning the weekly Torah portion every Sunday morning with my son and other kids and parents from around the world. Studying with Rabbi Rose, who joins us fromIsrael and had worked directly with Rabbi Sacks, enriches our sessions in many ways.

Naftali  |  New York

Jacob really loves this class. He says this is the only class he would wake up for at 7 AM on aSunday! (Los Angeles time!!).He feels like he’s learning more and thinking in a different way than in any other class he takes.It is a true pleasure to hear the depth of analysis of the Parsha, and to hear the children learning these profound life lessons at such an early age.

Jane  |  California

We are enjoying the course! We are learning a lot and Mrs. Schiowitz is a very good instructor! We especially enjoy the fact that we are learning with families from different parts of the world at the same time.

Tatyana  |  New Jersey

We very much enjoy the sessions with Rabbi Rose. They uplift the curiosity of the mind and trigger an enjoyable questioning and self-challenging awareness by the children.

Nathaniel  |  New York

Participating in Tikvah’s R. Sacks parasha class with my mom for Shemot and Vayikra was a highlight of my year. I started to see the world through a Torah lens and also appreciated how relevant the weekly parasha was to understanding my daily life. I am sorry that I couldn’t do Bamidbar because I was away at Camp Yavneh but really hope to complete the course with my mom by learning Devarim.

Lirone | Maryland

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